Wine Routes

  • Constantia Wine Route may be 333 years rich in history but the dynamic winemaking team from the valley sure knows how to revive its history in an entertaining style. Media and friends of the valley were invited to compete in the first ever Winemaker’s Quiz eve

  • HAND CRAFTED BOUTIQUE WINES Beautiful Cabernet vines usher you to the wine-tasting area of this boutique winery situated on the foothill of the Simonsberg Mountains. In 2008 the Du Toit brothers Stephen and Retief developed a boutique vineyard on Le Present; m

  • Behold the changing leaves and enjoy the crisp breeze Greeted by a kaleidoscope of colours and memories of harvest 2018, the “The De Meye Estate” is a remarkable family-owned boutique winery, situated in the lush Mulservlei area.   This unique little spot

  • EAGLES NEST WINES Eagles Nest was initially purchased by the Mylrea family in 1984. Unfortunately, the harmful fires of the year 2000 did extensive damage to the farm. It was later revived and varieties that are most suitable for the unique terroirs were plant

  • The experience at Buitenverwachting was beyond my expectation! My visit on Saturday was nothing short of incredible. From the minute I drove into the estate, I saw the golden vineyards, signifying the change of season. If you drive slow enough, you’ll catch a

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