Fairview’s Goats do Roam Red 2021, the G.O.A.T (Greatest Of All Time) Red Blend has received the joint highest score (94 points) in Winemag.co.za’s Prescient Signature Red Blends Report 2023!

This year’s Signature Red Blend Report received 60 entries from 46 producers with 35 (58%) rating 90-plus on the 100-point quality scale. The wines were tasted blind (labels out of sight) by a three-person panel of seasoned wine experts. The Signature Red Blend Report calls for wine entries that are distinctive of their originators. Wine producers can work with any combination of varieties they like with a view to creating a blend both inimitable by competitors, truly memorable among wine lovers and perhaps authentically South African.

When we consider the ever-changing nature of the world we’re living in, most of us want the steadying comfort of continuity and consistency. You’ll find it in Chateau Libertas, a well-loved, trusted and enduring household name, now nudging 90. What makes it so reassuring is that it’s been a part of our local landscape for what feels like forever. Every generation between our own and our great grandparents’ at least, has known it and loved it.